Monday, September 9, 2013

Congrats Matt and Allison!

The day before the big day, Mailei and I showed up for the rehearsal. That's when we realized that we have one major factor to deal with... back lighting. With a couple adjustments and the help of Lightroom, we were golden. 

The rehearsal went smooth and we were all ready for the big day. 

As a wedding photographer, you're handed a schedule of events and a good idea which photos to make sure you do not miss. Mailei and I went over everything the night before and we were ready. 

Again, congrats to Matt and Allison and thank you for choosing Mailei and I to capture that special day. 

The new look of will be online soon. 

Allison and her jewelry. 
Matt and the rings.

Allison looking out to dad.

The wedding party.

You may kiss your bride.

You may kiss your bride.

Time to relax for a few minutes.

Party people!

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